While many people know chiropractic care is an effective way to alleviate pain and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system, did you know your chiropractor can also help with weight loss? Extra weight strains other body parts, such as the back and joints, and leads to chronic issues. Fortunately, your chiropractor at Washington Injury and Sports Performance Clinic in Washington, DC, can help. Learn more about how our chiropractor can help you with weight loss below.

Nutritional Counseling

Reaching a healthy weight begins with proper nutrition. You are unlikely to maintain a good weight if you do not eat a healthy diet. Our chiropractor can help you develop a nutritional plan to give your body the nutrients it needs to maintain optimal weight and function. This plan will include foods to eat and foods to avoid, and we also provide tips on keeping a healthy weight.

With our nutritional counseling, you can lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and the stress that excess weight places on your joints and spine. Other benefits include feeling more energized, having better self-esteem, sleeping better, and having a boosted immune system to prevent illness.


Becoming more active has a very positive effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise increases your flexibility, mobility, and balance. Our chiropractor can design an exercise program to improve your fitness level and manage your weight. This program may include stretches and exercises that we show you in our office before you continue them at home.

Having a more active lifestyle boosts your metabolism and energy level, helping you maintain your weight goals. Our chiropractor will also provide personalized support to help you keep your healthy weight. This may include lifestyle adjustments to eliminate bad habits like poor posture that lead to weight gain.

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals by Visiting Washington Injury and Sports Performance Clinic

If you are searching for a “chiropractor near you” to help you reach your weight and fitness goals, look no further than Washington Injury and Sports Performance Clinic in Washington, DC. Our chiropractor can tailor a diet and exercise program to help you maintain a healthy weight, so call us and schedule a consultation today at (202) 464-4468 to begin your weight loss journey.